Woohoo…NBJJA can reopen!

It's been a long 84 days but we are THIS excited to say...

NBJJA reopens on Monday!


We are beyond excited with the news today that Adults and Kids sport can resume on Wednesday, 1 July, with further easing of restrictions. While we're still awaiting further details, this does mean that we can all return to Jiu-Jitsu as we know and love it! 

From this Monday, 15 June the Academy will be operating on a FULL TIMETABLE with temporary restrictions in place until 30 June.

All kids and adults classes will resume this Monday, 15 June with social distancing in place! 

The current easing of restrictions allows us to welcome you all back to our Academy on Monday under the following guidelines:

  • Classes are restricted to 9 members only, plus Coach Jack

  • There must be no more than 100 people in the gym at once

  • Social distancing must be practised, allowing 4m2 per person

  • Proper hygiene must be practised at all times, as outlined here.

To meet these criteria, the following measures will be in place from 15-30 June:

  • You must book into each class via our new app (details will be released soon via email). This ensures we do not over-fill the classes and have a record of contact between participants. 

  • Classes will be strictly no-contact, focusing on BJJ strength, agility & cardio.

  • For kids classes, parents are encouraged to drop the kids off and leave, to minimise contact.

Please note: From Monday 15 June there will be no more online or outdoor classes. All classes will take place within the academy. 

COMING SOON: A new member app, online booking system and payment platform (members only)

We've grown up during lockdown and been busy building the following: 

  • An updated payment platform, with weekly payments instead of fortnightly

  • A new member app to hear all the latest news, events,  

  • A self-service online booking system to secure your spot and keep track of upcoming classes

We're still putting the final touches on these platforms, so all members will hear from us soon with the following information:

  • A email with your updated payment plan and dates

  • Instructions on how to download and log into the app

  • Info on how to book into classes, either via the app or NBJJA website

We're now running free kids trial classes at 4pm on Tuesday and Thursday, to ensure we can prioritise the needs of our existing members during regular classes. Your child is more than welcome to join the trial class with their friend! Adults trials will be held during regular classes.

To refer a friend (adult or child), ask them to complete the 'book a free trial' form and include your name in the 'how did you hear about us' section. We'll take care of the rest!


We can't thank you enough for sticking with us over the past few months. We feel fortunate to have had so many of you continue to attend online classes, give us a high five in the street, continue with payment plans or tell your friends about us. 

This lockdown period has truly been a test in resilience, adaptability and flexibility. Thank goodness these are all the tools that martial arts teaches us! I can't wait to continue to develop these skills with you all back on the mats. 

Jack Cox

Jack Cox