UPDATE: 10 June 2020

From 1 July 2020 we can fully reopen our doors for adults and kids! Read our update here.

UPDATE: 2 June 2020

WE CAN SOON REOPEN! We have finally received the great news from the NSW Government that restrictions on gyms will be lifted from Saturday, 13 June. There are still government regulations that we must adhere to including limiting class numbers to 10 people and ensuring social distancing is practised at all times.

MEMBERS: NBJJA will be reopening with our full timetable on Monday 15 June, and we can’t wait to see you all again! We’re working through the practical application of these restrictions now, which includes the development of our own member app and online booking system. Please keep an eye on your inbox for full details soon. This is a huge step in the right direction, and we couldn't be more excited to reopen! 

NON-MEMBERS: If you’re interested learn jiu-jitsu, you can now book in a free trial session at the Northern Beaches Jiu-Jitsu Academy. Just complete the Book Your Free Trial form and we’ll be in touch to organise a suitable time.

UPDATE: 20 May 2020

OUTDOOR TRAINING STARTS TUESDAY, 26 MAY 🎉 With NSW Government COVID-19 restrictions now allowing outdoor training in groups of 10, we will be offering outdoor classes to our active members on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, from 26 May. Members, please check your inbox for an update on how to join, where to go and the strict regulations we will be observing for each class, including social distancing. Online classes will still be run for EVERYONE on Mondays and Wednesdays. See link in bio for the updated COVID-19 timetable. We can't wait to see you all!

UPDATE: 6 April 2020

Our LIVE online classes start today! Come and join us via Zoom for a fun and interactive class to keep our BJJ skills up to scratch, learn a few new moves, stay connected with each other and kill a bit of time. Tell your friends and family to come along too - the more the merrier.

The timetable with information on timing and how to join can be found here.

UPDATE: 26 March 2020

Members, please make sure you join the Team NBJJA group on Facebook. This is where we’ll keep you up to date on news from the gym, you can stay in touch with each other, and we’ll share videos to keep you active while the Academy is closed. Here’s a sneak peek!

UPDATE: 22 March 2020

The NSW Government has now announced the closure of all non-essential service, effective from midday on Monday 23 March 2020. Despite doing our best to stay open with a modified program throughout this uncertain period, this unfortunately means we need to close NBJJA temporarily.

An email has been sent to all members outlining the ongoing training and support we will provide, and the impact on your membership fees. All members please check this email for info and join the Team NBJJA group on Facebook for updates and ideas to stay engaged with your jiu-jitsu during this time (including how to keep your kids entertained!).

We can’t wait to continue building our community during this time and look forward to seeing you all back in the gym as soon as it is recommended we can return.

One thing I've learned in the past 20 years of practising and teaching Jiu-Jitsu, is that the community is STRONG. I'm so thankful and proud of the fantastic group of people who have come together under our roof and feel very positive that we will all come back together stronger than ever once this is over.


UPDATE: 17 March 2020

We have decided to alter our training regime for the time being to adhere to the government recommendations around COVID-19 and social distancing. We will still maintain our current timetable with slight modifications to the content taught, to minimise contact and keep a distance of 1.5 metres from one another as much as possible.

As our class sizes are already small and our mat size is large, this should be very achievable.

This is an excellent opportunity for us to continue our training, increase our strength, improve our individual movement patterns, increase our mobility, let all of the niggles from rolling heal up and stay in communication with one another.

Our classes will include

  • Strength and Conditioning for BJJ

  • Mobility for BJJ

  • BJJ specific individual movements

  • And plenty of laughs

Thank you for all of your support in these unprecedented times. I know we will all come out at the other end better for the experience and chomping at the bit to get back into our regular training and sparring. If anyone has any feedback, please feel free to get in touch. Your thoughts and are input are vital to us.


UPDATE: 12 March 2020

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’d all be aware of COVID-19, which is one of the most recently discovered Coronavirus diseases. We wanted to let you know it’s business as usual here at NBJJA, with a few extra measures in place to ensure that we do our part to help mitigate spreading this disease.


The most important priority for everyone is to stay fit, healthy and active. Keep coming to training because we all know that jiu-jitsu doesn’t just keep you physically fit, and it helps you maintain a healthy mind too. Boost your immune system by eating well, drinking plenty of water, training hard and getting as much sleep as possible.


If you DO feel any of the classic COVID-19 symptoms, including fever, tiredness, and dry cough, PLEASE do not come to training. The health and wellbeing of all our members is our biggest priority, and we need to do our part to prevent spreading anything further. Please follow the most up to date guidelines of the Australian Government Department of Health if you do feel unwell.


In addition to staying up to date and acting on the latest official advice regarding COVID-19:

👉 We will continue to clean the mats, bathrooms, fittings, surfaces and furniture with a hospital-grade solution that kills 99.9% of bacteria. Pre-NBJJA, I was a part-owner in a commercial cleaning company, so know a thing or two about how to clean this place! I only use the best commercial-grade cleaning products and ensure it’s cleaned several times daily.

👉 Thanks to our subscription with Who Gives A Crap, we didn’t need to rear naked choke anyone in the supermarket aisle. We’re fully stocked up on toilet paper, and provide soap, paper towels and hand sanitiser to keep your hygiene levels up in the gym. Please make sure you use it!

👉 Our steam mop is working overtime to triple sanitise the mats after vacuuming and mopping. We'd happily eat our dinner off the mats, that's how confident we are.


The more significant threat to the society is not the virus itself, but the knee jerk reactions people have that can devastate small business and the economy as a whole. However, if you DO feel under the weather, again, please do not come to class. It’s better to skip a few sessions than to be ‘that person’ who didn’t listen to common sense!


✔️ Be diligent with washing your hands

✔️Make sure you shower before and after class where possible

✔️ALWAYS wear shoes when going to the bathroom, and remove them before stepping onto the mats. The easiest option is to bring a pair of thongs to leave by the mats.

✔️Wear a clean gi and wash it after every class. Buy multiple gis if you don’t like washing it after each session!

As always, I'm always here if you have any questions or would like to chat.

See you on the mats (but not if you’re sick!),


Jack Cox