5 Reasons Kids Should Try Jiu-Jitsu

Despite it being one of the fastest growing sports in the world, many people still aren’t sure exactly what Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is, or what the benefits are. As we get asked this quite often, we thought we’d jot down our top 5 reasons kids should get into Jiu-Jitsu …. although we could write a list longer than our arm!

1) It’s fun and safe: Put a bunch of kids in a room together and they will inevitably begin to play fight, wrestle, roll and run. Why? Because it’s human nature, and it’s fun! Jiu-Jitsu teaches kids how to wrestle safely in a controlled environment on a padded floor, learning proper technique. When transferred into a real world environment, these movement patterns soon become second nature when playing in less controlled environments like parks, school playgrounds and even the family living room! By knowing how to wrestle with correct technique, injuries are minimised … fun is maximised.

2) It works: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is based on the principle that a smaller, weaker person can safely and successfully defend themselves against a larger, stronger opponent. This is why Jiu-Jitsu is for everyone! Strength, size and build are irrelevant when you use the correct technique to submit an opponent, which is what Jiu-Jitsu teaches. Even more important to note is that Jiu-Jitsu does NOT involve striking, unlike other martial arts, which carries the risk of injuries such as concussions. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is often referred to as ‘the gentle art’ for this reason. RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Why your child should do Jiu-Jitsu over other martial arts’.

3) It builds confidence against bullies: In most scenarios where kids are bullied, it’s a big kid picking on a smaller kid who they perceive as weaker and easier to control, in order to overcome their own lack of confidence and insecurity. When the victim has a tool belt of techniques and movements learned through Jiu-Jitsu to diffuse the bully’s actions, the bully becomes ineffective and is likely to move on to another kid who hasn’t learned these basics. Kid confidence will also increase as they know what to do if they find themselves in a compromised position such as being tackled or held down in the schoolyard. They’re taught how to get out of these scenarios during training, so won’t freeze or freak out as they’ve been in those positions many times before. They know what to do to escape!

4) It builds camaraderie and friendships: Although it is an individual sport, it’s hard to practise jiu-jitsu on your own! This is why Jiu-Jitsu builds great bonds and friendships between kids, as they’re learning, growing and training together. During class, kids have the opportunity to ask and answer questions, train with partners of diverse backgrounds, sizes and ages, and catch up before and after class. It’s a great way to meet other locals in the area from different schools and social circles too!

5) It teaches resilience, respect and discipline: When a child begins BJJ, they will be introduced to the etiquette, rules and rituals of the gym. This includes lining up silently before class, shaking hands, bowing to show respect and removing shoes when on the mats. Each time they train, they’ll build resilience as they will not ‘win’ all the time! We teach kids how to accept defeat, and learn from it. Most importantly, we reinforce the 4 rules of the Northern Beaches Jiu-Jitsu Academy:

  1. Always Listen

  2. Show Respect

  3. Love your Parents

  4. Have Fun!

With kids of our own, we know it’s tough to discover which sports they’re going to like! That’s why we offer a free jiu-jitsu trial class and a whole range of pricing options to suit your budget. We’d love to introduce your kid to this fantastic sport.

Jack Cox