Thanks for registering!


Here’s how to join (TIP: Bookmark this page!)

  • WHEN: Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the Sydney lockdown

  • TIME: 4pm to 4.30pm

  • ZOOM LINK: Click here to join the meeting.

  • MEETING ID: 916 8332 9231

  • PASSWORD: nbjja (if needed)

The classes are designed for kids aged 4 to 15 and can be done either alone or with a sibling/parent/other household contact.

No experience is needed either! During the 30 minute class, we’ll take you through an action packed warm up, a few basic jiu-jitsu techniques and some fun games.

Don’t forget to follow NBJJA on Instagram and Facebook to stay up to date with the latest from our Academy, including when we can reopen! If you have any questions, please contact us.

We’ll send an email with all the details above, but please bookmark this page so you can easily get back to it at the start of each class.

See you online!

Jack & Gill