Jiu-Jitsu Podcast Recommendations

Podcast Name: BJJ Fanatics

Podcast Episode: #506 - Henry Akins (listen here)

Professor Henry Akins is a 3rd degree Rickson Gracie black belt. In this episode, he joined podcast host Ryan Ford to discuss the fine points of weight distribution, overcoming plateaus and why you need to always fight to be on top. He also opens up about his near-fatal motorcycle accident and how it changed his perspective on things.

Podcast Name: Real Life With MG

Podcast Episode: # Keeping Your Head Above Water with Andrew "Wardy" Ward (listen here)

NBJJA is an official sponsor of the 2022 Head Above Water 24hr Swim-A-Thon, an event that raises funds to support mental fitness programs on the Northern Beaches and beyond. Ahead of this event, podcast host Matt Grant chatted to the founder of Head Above Water, Andrew ‘Wardy’ Ward about why he created the 24hr swim, all things mental fitness, the importance of checking in on our mates and lots more.

Podcast Name: The Art of Surrender
Podcast Episodes: #10, 11, 14 & 15
(listen here)

I am getting a little bias towards our Pedro Sauer affiliates on this recommendation and I couldn’t decide between all of them, so enjoy them all at your own pace.

EP 10: Brad is joined by Phillip Grapsas of Leverage Jiu Jitsu in Melbourne. Phil is a second-degree black belt under Professor Pedro Sauer and he has a wealth of knowledge and expertise jiu-jitsu and self-defence. If you are ever privileged enough to attend one of his seminars, you will be absolutely blown away. Phil is also the coach and mentor of John Smallios from Higher Jiu-Jitsu and helped guide John along the journey of building his academy and attaining his black belt along the way. 

Phil is known for his philosophical rants and students are quite fond of them. It was a pleasure to catch up and have a chat and I hope to do a few more podcasts with Phil overtime.

EP 11: Brad sits down with Cam Sobes from Leverage Jiu-Jitsu in Melbourne. Cam is a Professor Pedro Sauer/Phillip Grapsas (featured in episode 10) Black Belt. 

Cam shares his martial arts journey throughout the episode, we discuss his view of the strategy of jiu-jitsu - that first, we should make the position comfortable and safe for us. Second, make it uncomfortable for our opponent, that is, to generate a reaction. Then use our opponent's reactions against them by applying our own mechanic and understanding of the position to advance, control or submit. Cam explains how this strategy lead him to structure all of his learning in a SYS-tems based approach (Safety, Yield & Utilise, Secure). 

We discuss the Higher-Mount SYS-tem course that Cam just offered to students. Which myself and many other students participated in and gained so much from. This has lead to the creation of the Cross-Body SYS-tems course that Cam is opening up to everybody. 

EP 14: On this episode, I had a chat with Matt Vogermason from Higher Jiu-Jitsu. Matt is one of my best mates too so it’s probably more of a conversational type of chat at times. We did our best to stay on topic and I hope you enjoy it.

EP 15: It features my good friend and very first coach, John Smallios, the head coach at @higherjiujitsu.
We talk about his Jiu-Jitsu journey, his competition days and how a serious shoulder injury forced him to change his entire approach to Jiu-Jitsu.

Podcast Name: The Art of Surrender
Podcast Episode: #8 - Jack Cox
(listen here)

Jack is the owner of The Northern Beaches Jiu-Jitsu Academy in Sydney, Australia, is a BJJ black belt and an affiliate in The Pedro Sauer BJJ Association.

Podcast Name: BJJ Strength
Podcast Episode: #8 - Breathe less to improve performance, recovery and health
(listen here)

Breathing will never be the same once you’ve listened to this episode. You will find out, why you’ve been breathing too much, how to achieve high altitude training with no equipment and without leaving the house, and how to naturally and legally boost EPO.....for free.

This is an interview with Oxygen Advantage Founder, world-leading breathing expert, Patrick McKeown. We talk about the above plus, why breathing light is breathing right, what a deep breath really means, why breathing is so important for BJJ and MMA, plus get Patrick's opinions on the Wim Hof Method and Training masks.....plus much more.

Podcast Name: Cleared Hot
Podcast Episode: #119 - Scott Viscomi and Travis Davison
(listen here)

Scott Viscomi is the North American President of Wimp 2 Warrior, a 20 week MMA and fitness immersion that culminates in an opportunity for participants to step into the cage for an MMA bout. He began his career in entertainment and action sports serving as the VP of Sales and Marketing for Alliance MMA and as the managing director for Adidas North America's Combat Sports Division.  He is a blue belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has been passionate about martial arts for years. 

Travis Davison is the VP of SBGi (Straight Blast Gym International) as well as the owner of SBG Kalispell and Whitefish, where I started my BJJ journey. 

Podcast Name: Higher Jiu-Jitsu Podcast
Podcast Episode: #011 - When There's No Choice But to Change
(listen here)

John and Matty discuss the differences between sport BJJ and Gracie Jiu-Jitsu as a way of life. 

“Matty and I have drunk the kool-aide. It's one that tastes nice, and soothes our competitive juices, and keeps us safe, and confident, and healthy, building quality of life with Gracie Jiu Jitsu. It's how we like to think about jiu-jitsu, how we practice on the mats at Higher Jiu-Jitsu, and how we can be on the mats for a lifetime of enjoyment with Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. May this conversation helps you consider how you train, why you train, and how you can do it better relative to your intentions, and goals on the mats and off. Hope you enjoy, and either way, let us know your thoughts because we'd love to hear them.” - John Smallios, Owner, Higher Jiu-Jitsu

Podcast Name: Order of Man Podcast
Podcast Episode: An Introduction to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu | ANDRE “DEDECO” ALMEIDA
(listen here)

As many of you know, I’ve immersed myself in training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu over the past 3-4 months and, although, I’m only getting started on this path, I can see how beneficial and valuable it is to train in martial arts.

Today, I have the honor of talking with André Almeida (he simply goes by “Dedeco”), a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Blackbelt who has been practicing for over 30 years. We talk about his rocky past in Brazil, how Jiu-Jitsu saved his life, what to look for when getting started on your own path, and the mindset needed to be a successful Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu practitioner.


Watching from the sideline Experiencing variances in life Learning opportunities  Growing up in Rio de Janeiro Building self-confidence  First-class mentorship  Relocating to America  How to get involved in Jiu-jitsu Helping others grow The importance of lineage Basic starting points for beginners Learning through vulnerability  The power of a small arsenal  Developing your style ANDRE “DEDECO” ALMEIDA

Today, I have the honor of introducing you to my friend, Dedeco. Dedeco and I met last year at Origin’s Immersion Camp and since then, he’s become a friend and a bit of a mentor (although mostly online via social media). And, with as many questions as I’ve received about me starting Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I can’t think of anyone better to talk with that him.

Dedeco has been practicing Jiu-Jitsu for more than 30 years and credits his life to being introduced to the art. He’s a Brazilian National Champion, 3x State Champion, and 2x Pan American medalist.

On top of that, he’s one of the most sincere and genuine people that I know and I can’t wait for you to hear our conversation. Enjoy!

Podcast Name: Grounded Podcast with Jocko Willink & Echo Charles
Podcast Episode: #1 - Solve Life's Problems with Jiu-Jitsu. How to Find a School with Dean Lister
(listen here)

This new podcast by well known podcaster Jocko Willink & Echo Charles is described as “Jiu Jitsu and Life. Life and Jiu Jitsu. Jocko and Echo explore the parallels and real benefits of Jiu Jitsu in all aspects of life.” Naturally, we’ve hit the subscribe button and think you should too! The first episode explores interesting topics such as why smart kids get into jiu-jitsu, how to pick a jiu-jitsu school and achieving success through applying jiu-jitsu in life. Enjoy!

Podcast Name: The BJJ Strength Podcast
Podcast Episode: #35 - 10 things I wish I’d known as a BJJ White Belt
(listen here)

No matter how experienced you are at Brazilian jiu-jitsu, this podcast episode is a great reminder of the fundamentals of this sport. Black belt Laurence Griffiths takes you the 10 things he wish he knew as a white belt, many of which he took years to master, including:

  1. ‘Good jiu jitsu is not nice’

  2. Grips, grips, grips

  3. Pressure

  4. Be assertive

  5. Moving properly on the bottom

  6. Picking up the hips

  7. Principles

  8. Reverse engineering

  9. Taking notes

  10. Breathe

Have a listen…then listen again to help it sink in! Thanks to Laurence for sharing his words of wisdom.

Podcast Name: Under the Skin with Russell Brand
Podcast Episode: #85 - Vulnerability and Power with Brene Brown
(listen here)

Russell Brand is a huge advocate for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He regularly speaks of the positive impact the sport has had on his life, and has recently earned his blue belt - congrats! In this podcast episode, he chats with the incredible Brene Brown.

If you haven’t yet heard of her, after listening to this podcast you’ll want to hear more from her. She’s an expert researcher in vulnerability, courage and shame, and is a 5 x New York Times best selling author PLUS has several TED Talks under her belt (with 40 million views!).

Spend the next 90 mins listening to this episode - we promise you’ll love it.

Podcast Name: Finding Mastery Conversations With Michael Gervais
Podcast Episode: Nate Boyer - Going For It (listen -
Part 1 & Part 2)

Some people think about adventure — and others make their life a living adventure.

Nate Boyer graduated high school unsure about his path in life. Looking for a challenge and to make a difference, he made his way to the Darfur region of Sudan to help in the refugee camps. The experience, coupled with his memories of 9/11, inspired him to enlist in the U.S. Army as a Special Forces candidate, and he became one of 11 from his class of 150 to graduate with a Green Beret. He has served in Iraq and Afghanistan, earning a Bronze Star for heroism in combat.

Pausing from his military service, Boyer sought his next challenge, trying to walk-on to the Texas football team despite never having played on an organised team because his high school did not sponsor the sport. His tenacity and athletic prowess netted him a spot on the team as a defensive back, but he lacked the skills to contribute during live games. He analysed the roster, and he saw a potential opening at long snapper. He refined his craft, earning a starting job the past two seasons. Former Texas head coach Mack Brown calls his story one of the most inspirational and unique he has ever seen.

Podcast Name: The Grappling Central Podcast
Podcast Episode: #361 - Craig Jones Returns
(listen here)

Craig Jones returns to speak with talk Grappling Central about his recent camp in New York City, his match with Tim Spriggs, conditioning, leg locks, gi and no-gi scrambles and breaking bad habits. He also talks about his frustrating match at Kasai against Palhares and upcoming matches he has.

Why are we recommending this one? As well as the above listed highlights, Craig shares a few great tips and stories, including:

  • Stepping back from teaching to compete

  • Swimming for conditioning

  • Breathing and meditation

  • What he thinks the next wave in BJJ will be

  • Adding wrestling to Jiu-Jitsu

  • Dealing with a staller

  • His most frustrating rank

  • Overcoming plateaus

  • Mental preparation

Go on, have a listen - then apply your learnings at your next jiu jitsu class!

Podcast Name: The Aubrey Marcus Podcast
Podcast Episode: #200 - Choose your struggle with Joe Rogan
(listen here)

Episode 200 of the Aubrey Marcus Podcast, had special guest and podcast phenomenon - the Powerful Joe Rogan. The hour is seeping with sincere motivation straight from the experiences Joe has overcome in his life. The concept that reiterates through the conversation and sticks in your brain is "Do Hard Shit".

Life is going to mess with you. The more resilient you can become through orchestrated struggle, the better you will fare when life tests your reality. I have religiously listened to the Joe Rogan Podcast for years, so it was nice to hear him on the ‘other’ side of the podcast this time around. What a legend.

Podcast Name: The Unknown Strength Podcast
Podcast Episode: #24 - Dan Garner
(listen here)

In this podcast, Unknown Strength host Macgregor McNair was joined in studio for an incredibly insightful chat about all things nutrition and supplement related with high-level nutrition specialist, Dan Garner. Having coached the likes of UFC superstar Ronda Rousey, former UFC middleweight champion Michael Bisping, as well as a year-round stable of clientele within the UFC, MLB, NHL, NFL, and Olympians, Coach Dan Garner has a lot to say about the science behind nutrition and evidence-based-practice in athletic development.

Some of the topics covered in this episode include:

  • Some of Dan's finest achievements in his career

  • Myths, fallacies and worst practices in the fight game

  • Weight cutting for fighters

  • Pre/intra/post workout nutrition for fighters

  • Hydration and electrolyte balance for optimal performance

  • Nutrient timing

  • Do carbohydrates make you fat?

  • Keto & intermittent fasting are sub-optimal for fight performance

  • Mastering the basics of nutrition - getting great at being average, then working towards being great at being great

  • Common signs of overtraining heading into fight week

Podcast Name: The Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood Podcast
Podcast Episode: #66 - Scott Smith
(listen here)

After suddenly being made redundant from a successful corporate career, Scott Smith went all-in on the Brazilian Jiu-Jjitsu lifestyle. Starting with $300 worth of second-hand mats, Scott grew his small training group into one of the most successful academies in his city of Kentucky, USA.

Scott explains how he overcame the death of both of his parents in a car wreck and many other setbacks to become a happy and successful black belt academy owner. Our head instructor here at the Northern Beaches Jiu-Jitsu Academy, Jack Cox, had the opportunity to have an hour long one-on-one video call with Scott and he couldn't have been more generous with his time, knowledge and advice. He truly epitomises what is the jiu jitsu lifestyle and community is all about. Thank you Scott!

Come on down to our brand new gym in Cromer to try jiu jitsu for free, and listen to this episode of The Jiu Jitsu Brotherhood Podcast.

Podcast Name: The BJJ Strength Podcast with Laurence Griffiths
Podcast Episode: #28 - Being a Beast at 50 with Strength Coach John Davis
(listen here)

John Davis is a BJJ Purple Belt with 20+ years experience as a strength coach across Track, American Football, Jiu Jitsu and MMA, having worked with some of the best in the business. Also, at 50, he will put most 21 years to shame on the mat with his physical prowess. BJJ Strength talks with John about how he looks after his body to stay in great shape, the three pillars of his strength training philosophy, the difference between explosive and Olympic style kettlebell lifts and much, much more.

Loved this podcast as it showed us that age is just a number, and you’re never too old to do martial arts and jiu jitsu! No matter what your age, book your free BJJ trial class with us in Cromer - you’ll be inspired to after listening to this fantastic podcast!

Podcast Name: The Grappling Central Podcast
Podcast Episode: #353 - Gordon Ryan
(listen here)

Gordon “The King” Ryan joins Grappling Central to talk about the value of strong mentors, pre-competition anxiety and conceptual learning. He also offers advice on improving leg lock success and discusses self-promotion as a professional grappler.

A few of the highlights within the podcast that really resonated with me were:

  • His recent knee surgery (having had several knee surgeries myself!)

  • How he found Jiu-Jitsu (everyone has their own story and reason for sticking with it)

  • The area of his game that took the longest to develop (interesting to hear how he persisted & eventually conquered)

  • The most common error he sees in people’s leg locks (agree with this one)

  • Strength and conditioning for BJJ (always keen to learn what others are doing outside of the sport)

  • His thoughts on Jiu-Jitsu as a mainstream sport in the future (yep!!)

  • His thoughts on Jiu-Jitsu being an Olympic sport someday (could it!?)

  • Why he has no intentions to train in a gi again (imagine how much less washing there would be!)

Have a listen and let us know your thoughts via the contact us page. You can also use that form to let us know about a great podcast you’ve come across.

Podcast Name: Big Questions With Cal Fussman
Podcast Episode: Jocko Willink - On Going to War with Your Weaknesses
(listen here)

Legendary writer and interviewer Cal Fussman interviewed Jocko Willink and discussed the importance of admitting vulnerability among many topics. As you’ll hear in the podcast, Jocko challenges Cal to use basic military approaches to solve his problems and rid himself of weaknesses in his business and personal life.

Cal realises during this talk that if he would have attacked his vulnerabilities right out of college -weaknesses that hinder him to this day! - his life would’ve been dramatically different.

How does this relate to BJJ?

Starting as a white belt, you quickly realise your vulnerability and imperfection. Naturally, you start comparing your progress with that of your teammates, which can lead to frustration. However, sooner or later everyone eventually gains the insight of who we are fighting.


Admitting our weaknesses and vulnerable points will not only improve your Jiu-Jitsu but also improve us as people. To see for yourself how BJJ can improve your life, book your free Jiu Jitsu trial class (and listen to this awesome podcast!)

Jack Cox